Geospatial Visualization
¶Authors: Zhenlei Song (Graduate Research Assistant), Zhe Zhang (Assisntant Professor)
Cyberinfrastructure and Spatial Decision Intelligence Research Group
Department of Geography
Texas A&M University
Before Start¶
For convinience of setting up env
for running each course section, please follow this env setting up instruction for all course section through TAMU HPRC.
Learning Objectives
¶Upon completing this section of the Jupyter Notebook training course, learners will be able to:
Understand the Fundamentals of Geospatial Data
- Define what geospatial data is and its importance.
- Describe how geospatial data is captured, stored, and processed.
- Identify different types of geospatial data (e.g., raster, vector).
Master Geospatial Data Processing Skills
- Import and manage geospatial data using Python libraries such as Pandas and GeoPandas.
- Perform basic operations with geospatial data, including filtering, aggregation, and spatial joins.
Learn Basic Principles of Geospatial Data Visualization
- Understand the principles of map design and the elements that make an effective map.
- Distinguish between different map types and when to use them.
Acquire Skills in Visualizing Geospatial Data with Python
- Create static and interactive maps using libraries such as Matplotlib, Plotly, and Folium.
- Customize visualizations with various mapping techniques, including choropleth and heat maps.
Apply Geospatial Analysis to Solve Real-World Problems
- Use case studies and projects to apply geospatial analysis and visualization to address real-world challenges such as environmental monitoring, urban planning, and disaster response.
Evaluate and Critically Think About Geospatial Visualization Projects
- Assess the effectiveness of geospatial visualizations.
- Critically analyze the choice of visualization, data representation, and user interaction.
Explore Future Trends in Geospatial Data Visualization
- Investigate emerging trends and technologies in geospatial visualization, including 3D mapping, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) applications.
By achieving these objectives, learners will not only gain foundational skills in processing and visualizing geospatial data but also understand how to apply these techniques to solve practical problems and stay abreast of future developments in the field.
Module 1. Setting Up
¶Step 1: Import Libraries
¶# Importing necessary libraries for data processing and visualization
import pandas as pd # Pandas for tabular datasets processing and analysis
import geopandas as gpd # GeoPandas for Vector GeoSpatial Datasets processing and analysis
import xarray as xr # Xarray for Rester GeoSpatial Datasets processing and analysis
import numpy as np # Numpy for numerical computing with arrays
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Matplotlib's pyplot for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations
import os # os lib for file path processing
import json # json lib for structured textual printing
import as px # Plotly for Interactive Visualization
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import folium # Folium for Interactive Visualization
Step 2: Env
Variables Setup
BASE_DIR = os.getcwd() # Get current working dir as `BASE_DIR`
# print(BASE_DIR)
DATASET_DIR = f"{BASE_DIR}/DataSets" # Get the dir of datasets
Module 2. Vector Data Format
¶2.1 Introduction to Vector Data Format¶
Vector data format is a fundamental type of geospatial data representation, essential for mapping and spatial analysis. Unlike raster data, which represents geographic information through a grid of cells, vector data uses geometric shapes such as points, lines, and polygons to represent features on the earth's surface. This format is particularly well-suited for describing features with discrete boundaries and precise locations, making it indispensable for a wide range of applications.
Key Features¶
- Precision and Clarity: Vector data provides a clear and accurate representation of geographic features. Points can mark specific locations, lines can define paths or connections, and polygons can outline areas with precise boundaries.
- Scalability: Vector graphics maintain their clarity and detail at any scale, making them ideal for zoomable maps and detailed spatial analysis.
- Efficiency in Storage and Performance: Due to their geometric nature, vector data can be more efficient to store and process, especially for features that occupy a small portion of a map.
Common Vector Data Formats¶
Vector data can be stored and distributed in various formats, each with its own advantages and use cases:
- GeoJSON: A lightweight, text-based format, easily readable by humans and machines, ideal for web applications.
- Shapefile: A popular but older format developed by ESRI, commonly used in desktop GIS applications.
- GML (Geography Markup Language): A XML-based format for expressing geographical features, used for data exchange and storage.
- KML (Keyhole Markup Language): Used primarily for Google Earth and similar mapping applications, KML is an XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization.
Why GeoJSON¶
GeoJSON has emerged as a highly popular format for vector data due to several compelling reasons:
- Interoperability: GeoJSON is based on JSON, a widely used standard in web development, making it easily integrable with web applications and services.
- Simplicity: The structure of GeoJSON is straightforward, making it easy to write and understand without requiring specialized software.
- Flexibility: GeoJSON supports various geometric types and can include additional properties, allowing for rich, descriptive datasets.
- Open Standard: Being an open standard, GeoJSON is supported by a wide range of software platforms, enhancing its utility and adoption.
2.2 Data Overview¶
Source: University of Minnesota¶
This GeoJson file contains rows recording OpenDate
, StreetAddress
, City
, Type
, GeoLocation
information of Walmart stores opened from 1962
to 2006
# load datasets
walmart_loc_geojson_path = f"{DATASET_DIR}/Walmart_Topo/WalmartStoreLoc.geojson" # Geographic dataset
walmart_loc_csv_path = f"{DATASET_DIR}/Walmart_Topo/WalmartStoreLoc.csv" # Tabular dataset
# read geojson file
gdf_walm_loc = gpd.read_file(walmart_loc_geojson_path).drop(columns=['date_super', 'conversion', 'st', 'county']) # load dataset
# preview
2.3 Basic Plotting with projection¶
ax = gdf_walm_loc.plot() # plot with default projection system
ax.set_title("WGS84 (lat/lon)");
gdf_walm_loc_ESRI = gdf_walm_loc.to_crs("ESRI:102003") # convert to ESRI projection system
ax = gdf_walm_loc_ESRI.plot()
2.4 Advanced Interactive Plotting of Vector Datasets Through Plotly
Source Codes: Plotly Map Subplots in Python
data = []
layout = dict(
title = 'New Walmart Stores per year 1962-2006<br>\
Source: <a href="">\
University of Minnesota</a>',
# showlegend = False,
autosize = False,
width = 1200,
height = 800,
hovermode = False,
legend = dict(
bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)",
font = dict( size=11 ),
years = gdf_walm_loc['YEAR'].unique()
for i in range(len(years)):
geo_key = 'geo'+str(i+1) if i != 0 else 'geo'
lons = list(gdf_walm_loc[ gdf_walm_loc['YEAR'] == years[i] ]['LON'])
lats = list(gdf_walm_loc[ gdf_walm_loc['YEAR'] == years[i] ]['LAT'])
# Walmart store data
type = 'scattergeo',
lon = lons,
lat = lats,
geo = geo_key,
name = int(years[i]),
marker = dict(
color = "rgb(0, 0, 255)",
opacity = 0.5
# Year markers
type = 'scattergeo',
showlegend = False,
lon = [-78],
lat = [47],
geo = geo_key,
text = [years[i]],
mode = 'text',
layout[geo_key] = dict(
scope = 'usa',
showland = True,
landcolor = 'rgb(229, 229, 229)',
showcountries = False,
domain = dict( x = [], y = [] ),
subunitcolor = "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
def draw_sparkline( domain, lataxis, lonaxis ):
''' Returns a sparkline layout object for geo coordinates '''
return dict(
showland = False,
showframe = False,
showcountries = False,
showcoastlines = False,
domain = domain,
lataxis = lataxis,
lonaxis = lonaxis,
bgcolor = 'rgba(255,200,200,0.0)'
# Stores per year sparkline
layout['geo44'] = draw_sparkline(
'range':[-5.0, 30.0]
'range':[0.0, 40.0]
type = 'scattergeo',
mode = 'lines',
lat = list(gdf_walm_loc.groupby(by=['YEAR']).count()['storenum']/1e1),
lon = list(range(len(gdf_walm_loc.groupby(by=['YEAR']).count()['storenum']/1e1))),
line = dict( color = "rgb(0, 0, 255)" ),
name = "New stores per year<br>Peak of 178 stores per year in 1990",
geo = 'geo44',
# Cumulative sum sparkline
layout['geo45'] = draw_sparkline({'x':[0.8,1], 'y':[0,0.15]}, \
{'range':[-5.0, 50.0]}, {'range':[0.0, 50.0]} )
type = 'scattergeo',
mode = 'lines',
lat = list(gdf_walm_loc.groupby(by=['YEAR']).count().cumsum()['storenum']/1e2),
lon = list(range(len(gdf_walm_loc.groupby(by=['YEAR']).count()['storenum']/1e1))),
line = dict( color = "rgb(214, 39, 40)" ),
name ="Cumulative sum<br>3176 stores total in 2006",
geo = 'geo45',
z = 0
COLS = 5
ROWS = 9
for y in reversed(range(ROWS)):
for x in range(COLS):
geo_key = 'geo'+str(z+1) if z != 0 else 'geo'
layout[geo_key]['domain']['x'] = [float(x)/float(COLS), float(x+1)/float(COLS)]
layout[geo_key]['domain']['y'] = [float(y)/float(ROWS), float(y+1)/float(ROWS)]
if z > 42:
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
2.5 Animation of Geo-Scatter Plots Through Plotly¶
fig = px.scatter_geo(gdf_walm_loc,
hover_name='STRCITY', # Show street address on hover
animation_frame='YEAR', # Animate by year
title='Walmart Store Openings Over the Years')
# Update layout for a better visualization
geo=dict(landcolor='rgb(217, 217, 217)'),
2.6 Interactive Plotting of GeoJson through Folium¶
# prepare datasets
# geometry datasets describing shapes of the tracts
#cencus_tract_path = "DataSets/OKC_Census/census_tracts/tl_2020_40_tract.shp"
cencus_tract_path = "DataSets/OKC_Census/census_tracts/tl_2020_40_tract.geojson"
# census datasets containing feature columns
census_data_path = "DataSets/OKC_Census/census_data/data.xlsx"
# load datasets
census_gdf = gpd.read_file(cencus_tract_path)
census_df = pd.read_excel(census_data_path, sheet_name="2020AGE")
# clear columns with no data
census_df = census_df.drop(census_df.index[0])
# unify GEOID column for datasets concatenation
census_gdf['GEOID'] = census_gdf['GEOID'].astype(int)
census_df['GEOID'] = census_df['GEOID'].astype(int)
# clear string data and make them float
def clean_data(gdf):
for i in range(gdf.shape[0]):
for j in range(gdf.shape[1]):
item = gdf.iloc[i,j]
if type(item) == str:
gdf.iat[i,j] = 0.0
return gdf
# rename column functions
def rename_columns(gdf):
gdf = gdf[
gdf = gdf.rename(
'Female%': 'Female_Percent',
'Age<5>65%': 'Elder&Young_Percent',
'>15property%': 'Property_Percent',
'nodiploma%': 'Low_Educ_Percent',
'%livingalone': 'Living_Alone_Percent',
'%minority': 'Minority_Percent',
'%unemployment': 'Unemployment_Percent',
'%language': 'Language_Percent',
'%renthouse': 'RentHouse_Percent',
'Novehicle%': 'No_Vehicle_Percent',
'%noinsurance': 'No_Insurance_Percent',
'%disability': 'Disable_Percent',
'%computer': 'Computer_Availability',
'%nointernet': 'No_Internet_Percent',
'%nophone': 'No_Phone_Percent'
return gdf
# Define a class to handle map creation and manipulation using Folium
class Map():
def __init__(self, gdf) -> None:
# Initialize the Map object with a GeoDataFrame
self.gdf = gdf
self.attr = None # Placeholder for attribute to be visualized = None # Placeholder for the Folium map object
self.figure = None # Placeholder for the Folium figure object
def create_map(self, attr="Female_Percent", fill_color='YlGn'):
# Set the attribute to visualize on the map
self.attr = attr
# Initialize a Folium map centered at given coordinates with specified zoom level, width, and height = folium.Map(
location=[36.084621, -96.921387],
# Add a choropleth layer to the map using the provided attribute and color
add_choropleth(, self.gdf, self.attr, fill_color=fill_color)
# Add layer control to the map
# Create a figure object and add the map to it
self.figure = folium.Figure()
# Render the figure
# Return the figure object
return self.figure
# Define a function to add a choropleth layer to a Folium map
def add_choropleth(folium_map, gdf, attr, fill_color):
# Add a Choropleth layer to the provided Folium map based on GeoDataFrame and specified attributes
geo_data=gdf['geometry'], # Use the 'geometry' column of the GeoDataFrame for choropleth
data=gdf.dropna(subset=[attr])[attr], # Filter out missing data for the specified attribute
key_on='', # Reference to GeoJSON features
fill_color=fill_color, # Color palette for the choropleth
name=attr+'Choropleth', # Name of the layer
line_weight=0.1, # Line weight for the choropleth boundaries
# Define a function to add a mouse position plugin to a Folium map
def add_mouse_position(folium_map):
# Configure a mouse position plugin to display coordinates on the map
formatter = "function(num) {return L.Util.formatNum(num, 3) + ' º ';};" # Formatter for the coordinate display
position="topright", # Position of the coordinate display on the map
separator=" | ", # Separator for latitude and longitude display
empty_string="NaN", # Display when coordinates are not available
lng_first=True, # Display longitude before latitude
num_digits=20, # Number of digits after decimal point for coordinates
prefix="Coordinates:", # Text prefix before coordinates
lat_formatter=formatter, # Formatter for latitude display
lng_formatter=formatter, # Formatter for longitude display
# Define a function to add a GeoJSON layer to a Folium map
def add_layer(shp_file, folium_map, layer_name, color):
# Read a shapefile into a GeoDataFrame
gdf = gpd.read_file(shp_file)
# Add a GeoJson layer to the Folium map with specified styling
name=layer_name, # Name of the layer
style_function=lambda feature: {
'fillColor': color, # Fill color of the features
'color': color, # Border color of the features
'weight': 1, # Border weight of the features
'fillOpacity': 0.1, # Opacity of the feature fill
# Merge geojson (geoDataFrame) and xlxs (DataFrame) datasets
gdf_OKC_census = census_gdf.merge(census_df, on='GEOID', how='inner')
# Clean and rename columns
gdf_OKC_census = clean_data(gdf_OKC_census)
gdf_OKC_census = rename_columns(gdf_OKC_census)
# Instantiate the class just defined
map_OKC = Map(gdf_OKC_census)
# Create a map with the attribute "RentHouse_Percent"
# Default fill color is "YlGn"
# Default attribute is "Female_Percent"
map_OKC.create_map(attr="RentHouse_Percent", fill_color='YlGnBu')
2.7 Exercise¶
Change the codes above to plot a folium map of the same datasets, but the column of 'Female_Percent' and change the choropleth to whichever you like.
Useful links: colium.features.Choropleth
map.create_map(attr="RentHouse_Percent", fill_color='YlGnBu')
map.create_map(attr="Female_Percent", fill_color='RdPu')
Module 3. Raster Data Format
¶3.1 Introduction to Raster Data Format¶
Raster data format plays a pivotal role in geospatial analysis and environmental modeling. It represents geographic information through a matrix of cells or pixels, with each cell containing a value representing information such as temperature, elevation, or land cover. Raster data is particularly useful for representing continuous variables over a geographic area, making it essential for analyzing patterns and changes in landscapes.
Key Features¶
- Continuous Data Representation: Raster is ideal for depicting continuous data, such as temperature gradients, elevation, or pollution levels, where features change smoothly across the landscape.
- Simple Data Structure: The grid-based structure of raster data simplifies complex geographic phenomena, making it easier to perform spatial analysis and modeling.
- High Detail in Representation: High-resolution raster data can provide a detailed view of the geographic area, capturing nuances that might be missed in vector data.
Common Raster Data Formats¶
Raster data can be stored in various formats, each designed to cater to specific needs and applications:
(Tagged Image File Format): A flexible format that can store image data with a high level of detail and precision.GeoTIFF
: An extension of TIFF that includes georeferencing information, making it suitable for webGIS
(Network Common Data Form): A format designed to store and distribute multi-dimensional scientific data, such as temperature, humidity, or atmospheric pressure over the globe.JPEG
, andGIF
: Common image formats used for storing raster data, especially for web mapping applications.
Why NetCDF
is a Popular Format¶
stands out as a popular format for raster data for several compelling reasons:
- Multidimensional Data Support:
can handle multi-dimensional data, allowing for the storage of variables across different dimensions (e.g., time, height, latitude, longitude), making it ideal for complex environmental and scientific datasets. - Efficient Data Access:
supports efficient data access, even for very large datasets, enabling users to read and write data without loading entire files into memory. - Portability and Scalability:
files are portable across different computer architectures, and their structure scales well from small datasets to large, complex collections of data. - Open Standard and Wide Support: As an open standard,
is supported by a wide range of data processing tools, libraries, and applications in the scientific community, facilitating data sharing and collaboration.
3.2 Data Overview¶
NOAA CoastWatch Blended Winds (6-hourly)¶
Dataset Name: Source: NOAA CoastWatch: File Downlaod Description: This dataset provides 6-hourly global ocean surface wind observations. It is part of the NOAA CoastWatch program and is created by blending satellite observations.
file_path = f"{DATASET_DIR}/"
ds = xr.open_dataset(file_path, engine="netcdf4") # load raster dataset
3.3 Locate Subsets¶
u_wind = ds['u_wind']
Locate Using sel
# Select a subset of data for the Pacific region based on latitude and longitude ranges
pacific_subset_sel = u_wind.sel(lat=slice(-60, 60), lon=slice(120, 270))
# Select the first time point from the 'time' coordinate of the subset
time_point_sel = pacific_subset_sel['time'][0]
# Select the data corresponding to the first time point from the subset
pacific_subset_time_sel = pacific_subset_sel.sel(time=time_point_sel)
# Print a statement indicating that the following output is the selected subset for a specific time
# Print the data for the selected subset at the specified time point
# Print the shape of the numpy array for the selected subset at the specified time point
Locate Using isel
# Find the index of the first latitude value that is greater than or equal to -60 degrees
lat_start_index = np.argmax(u_wind['lat'].values >= -60)
# Find the index of the first latitude value that is greater than 60 degrees
lat_end_index = np.argmax(u_wind['lat'].values > 60)
# Find the index of the first longitude value that is greater than or equal to 120 degrees
lon_start_index = np.argmax(u_wind['lon'].values >= 120)
# Find the index of the first longitude value that is greater than 270 degrees
lon_end_index = np.argmax(u_wind['lon'].values > 270)
# Select a subset of the u_wind data for latitudes between -60 and 60 degrees and longitudes between 120 and 270 degrees
# using integer-based indexing
pacific_subset_isel = u_wind.isel(lat=slice(lat_start_index, lat_end_index),
lon=slice(lon_start_index, lon_end_index))
# Select the data for the first time point from the subset
pacific_subset_time_isel = pacific_subset_isel.isel(time=0)
# Print a statement indicating that the following output is the selected subset for the first time point
# Print the data for the selected subset at the first time point
# Print the shape of the numpy array for the selected subset at the first time point
Locate Using loc
# Select a subset of u_wind data where latitude is between -60 and 60, and longitude is between 120 and 270
# This is done using label-based indexing with the 'loc' method and a dictionary specifying the slices for lat and lon
pacific_subset_loc = u_wind.loc[dict(lat=slice(-60, 60), lon=slice(120, 270))]
# Retrieve the first time point from the 'time' coordinate of the selected subset
time_point_loc = pacific_subset_loc['time'][0]
# Using the previously retrieved time point, select the corresponding subset of data from pacific_subset_loc
# This further narrows down the data to the specific time point using label-based indexing
pacific_subset_time_loc = pacific_subset_loc.loc[dict(time=time_point_loc)]
# Print the subset of data corresponding to the specific time point
# Print the shape of the numpy array representing the selected subset for the specified time point
# This provides an understanding of the data dimensions at this particular time slice
Locate Using iloc
# Use np.where to find indices where latitude values are between -60 and 60 degrees.
# This returns a tuple with the first element containing the indices, so [0] is used to select these indices.
lat_indices = np.where((u_wind['lat'] >= -60) & (u_wind['lat'] <= 60))[0]
# Similarly, find indices for longitude values between 120 and 270 degrees using np.where.
lon_indices = np.where((u_wind['lon'] >= 120) & (u_wind['lon'] <= 270))[0]
# Select a subset of the u_wind data using the indices found for latitude and longitude.
# The isel method is used here for integer-location based indexing, which is efficient for large datasets.
pacific_subset_iloc = u_wind.isel(lat=lat_indices, lon=lon_indices)
# Select the data for the first time point from the indexed subset using isel.
# This further narrows the data to include only the first time slice.
pacific_subset_time_iloc = pacific_subset_iloc.isel(time=0)
# Print the subset of data for the specific time point to verify the correct data selection.
# Print the shape of the numpy array of the data subset to understand its dimensions.
# This helps in verifying the size of the data slice and ensuring the selection is as expected.
Are subsets queried by these 4 methods completely equal?
3.4 Xarray.DataArray
Documentation for Xarray.DataArray.plot()
pacific_subset = pacific_subset_iloc
print(f"pacific_subset array shape: {pacific_subset.values.shape}")
pacific_subset_time = pacific_subset_time_iloc
print(f"pacific_subset_time array shape: {pacific_subset_time.values.shape}")
# Xarray.DataArray default `plot`
# Xarray.DataArray default plot for subplots at certain dimension
3.5 Heatmap Using Plotly
# Create a heatmap using Plotly Express's imshow function to visualize the wind data
# The first slice of data along the first dimension of 'pacific_subset_time.values' is used as the image data
fig = px.imshow(
pacific_subset_time.values[0], # The 2D data array to be visualized
labels={'color':'U Wind'}, # Label for the color bar, indicating the variable shown
title=r'`u_wind` Heatmap', # Title of the plot, using a raw string for any special characters
origin='lower', # Set the origin of the heatmap to the lower-left corner, affecting how data is plotted
x=pacific_subset_time['lon'].values, # Longitude values to label the x-axis
y=pacific_subset_time['lat'].values # Latitude values to label the y-axis
# Update the layout of the figure to set the width and height of the image
width=800, # Set the width of the figure to 800 pixels
height=600 # Set the height of the figure to 600 pixels
# Display the figure
3.6 Visualization by Converting Raster
to Vector
# Extract 'u_wind' variable and convert it to DataFrame
u_wind_data = u_wind.to_dataframe().reset_index()
# Convert 'u_wind' variable into a DataFrame suitable for heatmaps, ignoring NaN values and considering the zlev dimension
heatmap_df = u_wind.to_dataframe().reset_index()
heatmap_df.dropna(subset=['u_wind'], inplace=True)
# Generate a heatmap for each time point with Plotly
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# Unique time points
time_points = heatmap_df['time'].unique()
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# Choose a specific time point, for example, selecting the second entry in the time_points list
specific_time = time_points[1]
# Filter the data for the selected time point
temp_df = heatmap_df[heatmap_df['time'] == specific_time]
# Create a heatmap using the filtered data
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap(
z=temp_df['u_wind'], # Wind speed data
x=temp_df['lon'], # Longitude values for the x-axis
y=temp_df['lat'], # Latitude values for the y-axis
colorscale='Viridis', # Color scale for the heatmap
zmin=-20, # Minimum value of the color scale
zmax=20 # Maximum value of the color scale
# Update the layout of the figure
title=f'U-Wind Speed Heatmap at Time {specific_time}', # Title of the heatmap, including the specific time
height=600, # Height of the figure in pixels
width=800, # Width of the figure in pixels
xaxis=dict(title='Longitude'), # Label for the x-axis
yaxis=dict(title='Latitude') # Label for the y-axis
# Display the figure